Isabelle Kocher
Isabelle Kocher is the Chief Executive Officer of Engie, the world’s largest independent power producer (IPP). As the CEO and visionary leader in energy, climate and environment, Ms. Kocher transformed Engie into a forerunner in the decarbonized, decentralized and digitized energy sector. To accelerate energy transition globally she founded and chaired Terrawatt Initiative, a global cross-sector non-profit in 2015. Prior to her role as the CEO she served as the Engie’s Deputy CEO and chief Operating Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operating Officer, and Vice President in charge of Strategy, Performance and Organization. She joined Engie (then named the Suez Company) in 2002. Early in her career, Ms Kocher worked as an advisor to the French Prime Minister on industrial affairs (1999-2002). She graduated from Ecole Normale Supérieure (Ulm) and Mines Paristech engineering school as a civil servant “Ingénieur du corps des Mines” and holds a Master Degree in Quantum Optics as well as a Postgraduate Certificate in Physics. Ms Kocher is a Knight of the Legion of Honour (“Chevalier de la Légion d’honneur”) and of the French National Order of Merit (“Chevalier de l’ordre du mérite”).